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Saturday, 20 June 2015

Create Repeat Business Through Customer Relationships

Every entrepreneur knows that if you want to build your business, you’ve got to keep customers coming back again…and again. But how? Customer relationships are the key, say small business owners in the Spring 2015 Bank of America Small Business Owner Report.
Almost six in 10 (57 percent) of small business owners say strong customer relationships are the driving force behind repeat business. In fact, established customer relationships were far ahead of the next most important factors in obtaining repeat business. Low prices, a good location, loyalty programs and the ability to provide unique products and services were each cited by only about 10 percent of entrepreneurs.
Clearly, customer relationships are vital to your business growth. How can you build lasting relationships? Whether you sell business-to-business or business-to-consumer, these tips can help.
1. Thank your customers. From a hearty thank-you at the point of sale to thank-you emails, there are many ways to show your customers how much you appreciate their business. Ideas include:Thank you message in the sky.
  • Giving loyal customers percentage discounts or dollar-off coupons after a purchase
  • Holding special events for customers such as a thank-you dinner or luncheon or even an awards ceremony
  • Writing thank you notes (handwritten notes have more impact than an email)
  • Calling a customer to say thank you and follow up to see if they are happy with their purchase
  • Providing gifts with purchase
  • Sending cards or small gifts on anniversaries, birthdays or other special days
2. Learn about your customers. Ask customers questions and get to know their concerns, problems and interests. Don’t ask questions just with an eye to making the sale; focus on really understanding what your customers need. Conduct customer surveys and polls to find out what they want from your business and what more you could be doing. This information will help you provide lasting value, and when you focus on helping them—not on what you get out of the relationship—you build customers for life.
3. Go above and beyond. By throwing in extra services for free, offering advice about how to use a product properly, or providing suggestions for different ways to do things, you show that you care about the customer in the long term, not just during the sales process. When done properly, this can be a way to  not only build customer relationships, but also upsell additional products and services.
4. Get involved in the community. If your business draws from the local area, becoming a presence in your community goes a long way to build relationships. Sponsor or participate in community events, volunteer for or donate to local charities, and get involved in making your city a better place. Local realtors are great at this—there are some in my community who organize neighborhood garage sales, build homes for Habitat for Humanity and lend trucks to local schools when they need to transport kids or furniture. I feel like I know those realtors, even though I’ve never met them in person.
Finally, don’t forget to build relationships with other business owners. By getting involved in both online and offline networking organizations, business events and conferences, and your local Chamber of Commerce or industry group, you will make valuable connections. You never know who will introduce you to the next customer you’ll build a lasting relationship with.

How to Balance Being a Parent and a Business Owner

With parenting on our minds this month (after all, Father’s Day is June 21), I’ve been thinking a lot about how I manage the balance between raising my kids with my husband (who also happens to be my business partner) and running my business filing company.
From the outside, it might seem to be a breeze for me, but believe me: I’ve set up rules and processes to make sure both components of my life get the attention they need to thrive. It might sound mechanical, but trust me: having rules like this in place will help you find better balance, too.

Rule #1: Only One Can Be On Top at a Time

I can’t give my business my all if I’m at the office thinking about my kids. Likewise, I can’t give my kids 100 percent of my attention if a problem at work is nagging me. So I have to choose. During office hours, I compartmentalize the parenting part of my life and save it for later so I can focus on being the best CEO I can be. Come 5 o’clock, I switch hats and work on being the best mom possible.

Rule #2: Sometimes You Must Focus on Neither One for Your Sanity

I’m a big proponent of the whole “you can’t take care of anyone else if you don’t take care of yourself first” concept. But I wasn’t always like that. In fact, I had a panic attack that changed everything. I realized I was running myself ragged worrying about a business problem. I had to learn to let go, de-stress, and take care of me so that I could do my other jobs better.
Taking care of you could mean leaving the office early on Friday one day. Or getting a massage. Taking a nice, long bath. Going for a walk. Whatever your go-to is to recharge your battery, make sure that’s part of your routine so that you’ll have better balance in all aspects of your life.

Rule #3: Do One Thing at a Time

I want you to forget everything you’ve ever heard about how multitasking makes you smarter. It doesn’t. Instead, it makes you feel harried, and you end up doing five tasks really badly. Not only should you do only one thing at a time, but you should also think one thing at a time. Trust me, I know how hard this one is. But if you put all your energies into one action or thought, you’ll finish the task sooner and better.

Rule #4: Be Flexible in Your Schedule

For so many people, 8 to 5 is the normal workday. But it doesn’t have to be for you, especially if working the “norm” means you’ll miss out on valuable moments with your family. Get up early and spend an hour or two checking your email and getting set up for the day so that you can take your kids to school. Or sneak in a few hours of work after their bedtime. That way, you can maximize your time with your family. If you’re like me, that’s one of the reasons you became an entrepreneur in the first place: to have more time with the ones you love.

Rule #5: Get Out of the Office

I don’t buy the idea that some entrepreneurs are simply too busy to take a vacation. If you set up your systems so that your staff can take over for you (or you clear your plate of work for a few days or weeks), no one will begrudge you taking much-deserved time off. No one.
Managing this balancing act isn’t easy for anyone, but if you figure out what rules you need to thrive, it’s absolutely possible.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Is Bottled Water Really Healthy?

By Herb Borkland

Forget the ad images of high mountain streams and diamond-pure glaciers. Did you ever stop and ask yourself why you really think bottled water is better for you than drinking tap water?

"The bottled water industry promotes bottled water as pure, safe, healthy and superior to tap water, but bottled water is actually less regulated than tap water," says Corporate Accountability International Associate Campaigns Director Gigi Kellett.

And in fact, an estimated 25% or more of bottled water is actually only tap water in a bottle — sometimes further treated, sometimes not. Water drinkers, it's time to take a closer look at the bottle in your hands and to ask yourselves, "What's in it for me?" Here's why...
Three out of four Americans drink bottled water, and one in five drink nothing else. Lots of people with health issues look to bottled water as a safe haven from at least one basic daily source of contaminants. However, new research is starting to expose how iffy this assumption of safety may be.

One trouble with bottled water is how much money is made by selling it. United States sales of bottled water skyrocketed 170% between 1997 and 2006, from $4 billion to $10.8 billion-a-year. Corporations like Coke™, Nestle™ and Pepsi™ are spending tens of millions of dollars every year to undermine people's confidence in tap water, even though the U.S. water systems are regulated better than bottled water.

For example, New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is a consumer and promoter of the Big Apple's tap water. The City Council no longer buys bottled water and, at last summer's United States Conference of Mayors, the Council urged city governments across the country to do the same.
Some brands of bottled water are okay and turn out to be as-advertised. Even so, it's troubling to hear that The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) completely exempts 60% to 70% of all the bottled water sold in the U.S. from the Agency's bottled water standards.

In addition to the FDA, state and local governments regulate bottled water, but sometimes standards vary from EPA rules and between the states themselves. Enforcement often depends on under-staffed agencies. The result?

About 22% of the brands of bottled water put through one non-profit organization's recent tests contained chemical contaminants at levels above strict health limits. What is turning up goes beyond traces of mercury, arsenic, lead and petrochemicals. There are also microbes, radionuclides that raise the long-term risk of cancer, inorganics, volatile organics, disinfectants and their byproducts and even gasoline additives like MTBE.

Who needs to worry most? Such products may pose a health risk, primarily for people with weakened immune systems, such as the frail elderly, some infants, transplant and cancer patients or people with HIV/AIDS.

What's more, the health exposure isn't simply a matter of what's already in the water when they bottle it. Sometimes it's the bottle itself. Plastic bottles left in a hot car or in direct sunlight may release cancer-causing chemicals. And buying glass bottles might not always help, either.

Chemicals called phthalates, known to disrupt testosterone and other hormones, can leach into glass-bottled water in perhaps as soon as 10 weeks. The chemicals could be coming from the plastic bottle cap or liner. Regulatory standards limit the phthalates in tap water, but the bottled water industry has waged a successful campaign to keep the FDA from setting a legal limit for these chemicals.

The truth is, bottled water has gotten too expensive, too environmentally challenging and, above all, become an uncertain health risk. The long-term solution to contaminated drinking water is ensuring our tap water is safe for everybody.

In the meantime, carry your water in risk-free, reusable containers. If your tap water quality is poor or just tastes funny, it's a good idea to purchase filters certified by the National Science Foundation (NSF). NSF is the most respected and widely accepted approval authority for food industry equipment and can be trusted at home.

Clean water is a human right now... and always has been. It's worthwhile remembering that the Sanskrit book Rig-Veda, attributed to Vasistha of the 14th century BC, deals with how to recognize good drinking water. Can we of the 21st century afford to know any less?

To your health! Drink up!

Ice or Heat for Back Pain...

Ice or heat? Heat or ice? That's probably the most common question asked about treating back pain. The best way to answer it, I have found, is to explain exactly what ice and heat do and why they help relieve pain. Once you understand the mechanism behind these treatments, you'll be more likely to use them correctly when your own back pain flares up.

The Pain-Spasm Cycle

Let's say you have sciatica. Your piriformis muscle goes into spasm. Your body reacts to this "injury" by sending more white blood cells to the injury site to fight the problem. That means fewer red blood cells go there, which means the injured area is getting less oxygen and nutrients, and waste products aren't being carried away. This causes what's called Secondary Hypoxic Injury. The site is actually injured even more by lack of oxygen (hypoxia).

This may also put the muscle into a pain-spasm cycle. The injury triggers nerves to send signals to the brain, which interprets it as pain. This pain tells the brain to send a signal back to the injured area, which contracts the muscles to close off blood supply to prevent swelling. But this lack of blood supply actually leads to more pain, more swelling, and more spasms!

To review: The initial spasm causes pain and swelling, which leads to more injury and further spasms. More pain, more spasms, more pain, more spasms—a vicious cycle. Without treatment, this cycle can last for years. The only way to begin healing the sciatica is to break this cycle. That's where ice and heat come into play.

Breaking the Cycle

Heat and ice both do same thing—they shock the body into breaking the pain/spasm cycle. Heat causes the body to circulate more blood to the area in order to cool it down. That brings more oxygen and nutrients, and removes waste products, which help heal the tissue. Cold offers the same result from the other end. When ice is placed on an area the body sends more blood to the area to warm it up and promote healing.

Heat or cold also shut down the nerves that fire the pain signals. Heat relaxes them while cold numbs them. When the brain doesn't get the pain signals, it doesn't act to contract muscles and constrict blood flow. After applying heat or cold consistently and continually for a certain period of time, the pain/spasm cycle is broken. Then, real healing can begin.

So Which Is Better, Ice or Heat?

If both heat and ice do the same thing, then which is better to treat back pain? There are really no hard and fast rules, but I typically have my patients do the following:

1. When an injury first occurs, apply ice. This is true whether the injury is acute (caused by some trauma like lifting something heavy or sitting too long) or subacute (a flare-up of a chronic condition, like sciatica). It's also important to use ice fast. You need to get ice to the injury within 5 minutes to get the best effect. If you're not at home and don't have ice handy, head to the 7-11 and buy a bag of ice. Even something as simple as a bag of frozen peas will work. Apply ice for 20 minutes then take it off for 20. Repeat as often as you can for the first 48-72 hours.

2. After 48-72 hours, when you feel the swelling has gown down and the pain-spasm cycle is broken, you can begin stretching the injured muscle with the appropriate exercises. At this point, choosing ice or heat is really up to you. Most people like to apply heat before they exercise and ice after. Either way, you're getting red blood cells to the area to promote healthy healing.

3. For a really advanced treatment plan, I recommend a contrast bath. Try 20 minutes of heat followed immediately by 20 minutes of ice. Repeat three times. The contrast really shocks the body and gets it out of the pain/spasm cycle.

What to Use and How to Apply

Let’s review the various way you can apply ice or heat and the devices that are available to do so. Let's start with ice.

There are chemical ice packs. I personally do not recommend these because they can get too cold and burn the tissue. There is the good old bag of frozen vegetables--not great, plus it is a bit of a waste. There are pain creams that use Menthol to give a cold sensation to the skin. These work great and they can be applied ASAP.

The best application of ice I have found is to use a Zip-loc bag with crushed ice in a bit of water, Remove all of the air from the bag and then zip it closed. It is best to also put a wet paper towel on your skin over the affected area then apply the ice bag.

To further improve the effectiveness of ice, first rest the injured area, then use a wrap over the ice pack to improve the contact with the skin and to compress the area to minimize the swelling. If the area can be elevated (such as a leg or limb), please try to do this to allow the area to drain at the same time.

Now let's talk heat, my favorite form of therapy. There are heating lamps, heating pads, hot tubs, hot showers, pain creams with cayenne pepper, and even ultrasound (which is a form of heat).

I know what you are going to ask which works the best. Personally, I love the hot tub. Unfortunately I do not own one and going to a community hot tub is like taking a dip in a cesspool (you can look up the definition).

With that said, as technology advances and becomes cheaper for the masses, far-infrared heat is by far at the top of my list now. Far-infrared heat transforms safe light energy into safe heat energy, at a frequency that penetrates the body up to three inches with an even distribution and prolonged thermal effects.

I have identified 28 back pain-related conditions and 15 general medical conditions for which far-infrared heat can help promote better health and wellbeing.

The Path to Pain Relief

Remember that heat and ice are not the solution to long-term pain relief. They are paths toward a solution. The goal of both ice and heat is to break the pain/spasm cycle and allow you to do the stretching exercises that build muscle strength and flexibility. That's what brings prolonged pain relief. And that's the ultimate goal, isn't it?

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While this ancient healing method works magic on your body!

Click here to learn more about this time-tested treatment

How to Be Healthy in Hard Times

By Herb Borkland, Health Writer

The Dow is falling! The dollar is shrinking! The economy is tanking!

We all need to take a deep breath and chill out. Slowdowns are an unavoidable part of regular financial cycles. We go through these business slumps every so often, and our economy always comes roaring back, stronger than before. Meanwhile, our personal resolve to stay well never changes.

Why not save the money spent on all those cleansing herbs, cholesterol supplements and tension headache pills and, instead, focus on diet and peace of mind? If we think smart as well as healthily, why shouldn't a flatter wallet translate into a better diet? Let's run through a few of the proven ways spending less can actually improve pain-free wellness.

Make Smart Choices

When it comes to healthy eating, research proves it's smarts, not just cash-on-hand, that makes the big difference. One recent study says, "Higher socioeconomic groups ate less fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, and ate more fiber, fruits and vegetables, and had more calcium in their diet." They might be able to afford four meals a day of beefsteaks and cheesecake, but educated people know better.

What's more, eating healthier can save money. For example, starting with breakfast, why not buy oats instead of high-priced sugary cereals and drink veggie juice or water instead of sweetened drinks? Morning, noon and night, always drink plenty of water. Dehydration, after all, is one of the main culprits of poor health and increased pain.

Only taking the time to research a few recipes holds you back from eating tasty, inexpensive and good-for-you lunches every day of the week. Give spicy chicken and roasted vegetable tortilla wrap a try. How about couscous mixed with chopped vegetables and fresh herbs? Have you tried lean roast beef on rye with horseradish and rocket leaves? Wellness was never so delicious as it is nowadays. Be grateful.

Our dinner menus can always use more green leafy vegetables. Fresh-wash the veggies for salads, of course, and steam those side-dish greens, to protect their natural taste, texture and color. The big plus is you won't need to add fat to cook them. As a main course, one of everybody's healthy favorites is salmon, full of those essential omega 3 fatty acids. And for later, there are easy recipes that make the simplest fresh fruit for dessert seem almost sinful.

Find Peace of Mind

For wellness-conscious consumers in hard times the mind, as well as the body, must be healthy. The other half of a wholesome traditional lifestyle is peace of mind. Of peace of mind, one expert says, "It is a state of inner calmness and tranquility, together with a sense of freedom, when thoughts and worries cease, and there is no stress, strain or fear."

How will putting ourselves through unnecessary stress and tension do our checkbook any good? Instead, take the larger view. Life calls out. Enjoy spiritual or mindful walks. Spend less time reading newspapers or watching TV news or reality shows. Avoid negative people. Don't nurse grudges or get jealous. Have the serenity to accept what cannot be changed.

Some specialists in stress-reduction recommend concentration exercises, to make it possible to put counter-productive thoughts and worries out of your mind. Also, practicing a form of meditation, even if for only briefly each morning or afternoon, can become among the most rewarding minutes of your day.

Get Up and Move

During this coming year, take a little regular exercise and start getting in shape again. Yoga suits the younger, and tai chi is for the older. Although lesser-known than yoga, calm, deliberate, graceful tai chi is as effective as it is inexpensive. No special clothes are needed, no mat or balance balls.

All these simple things can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, beef up the essentially fatty acids and good fats, relax you, reduce stress and even save you money. Bottom line? Someday you may look back on the '08 downcycle and feel grateful. In flush times or lean, what makes all the difference is educating ourselves. Think smarter, live cheaper, get healthier.

"How Reducing My Exercise
to Four Minutes a Day Helped 
Me Lose Two Pounds in One Week
— Mary Smith, DeMoines, IA"
When Mary Smith quit going to the gym, she finally lost those 12 extra pounds. Her favorite jeans fit again. She felt great. And the compliments from her husband were pretty nice too.

But how did she lose weight by getting off the treadmill? Mary tried The No Excuse Workout. This program uses the latest in interval training. It's so effective; your body burns calories for hours after you quit exercising.

Better yet, it works best when you do less. In just four minutes you can burn up to 879 extra calories a day. That's the same as two McDonald's Double Cheeseburgers! Or a quarter of a pound of fat! No wonder Mary lost two pounds in her first week:

"I couldn't believe that four minutes a day would help me lose weight. But I had nothing to lose, so I tried it. I almost fell over when I stepped on the scale. In the first week I lost two pounds. If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it!"

You too can train your body to burn fat and lose the weight in just four minutes a day. Find out how The No Excuse Workout can work for you... Click here now.

10 Ways to Beat Fatigue

By Dr. Mark Wiley

Over two million Americans complain of being fatigued each day, not to mention the four Million who have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. With the chronic tiredness often comes lack of focus, feelings of being overwhelmed, flu-like symptoms, pain, memory loss, chronic aches and pains, unrestful sleep, short temper and even depression.

While many people accept their tiredness as part and parcel of their daily lives, it needn't be the standard way of life. Yes, we are more over-worked and stressed out than ever, but the following 10 lifestyle changes can make all the difference.

1. Eat 4 to 6 times per day — In the past 10 years the idea of ditching the "three square meals a day" plan has proven successful. In its place is the three-hour diet, or eating something every 3-to-4 hours. Eating more frequently prevents one from overeating at one time, thus zapping energy. It also helps sustain a steady level of energy throughout the day.

2. Consume energy-giving foods — While eating more frequently is a great way to stay energized, eating the wrong foods over and over will take the wind right out of you. For best energy results from food, it is important to eat plenty of fiber, which helps clean fats from blood and create bulk to move stools and this frees up energy in the body. Consuming complex carbohydrates like whole grain breads, seeds and pasta provides glucose for brainpower and sustained fuel for physical energy. Eating lean protein also adds fuel for the body. And whereas carbohydrates are fast-burning (instant energy) fuel, proteins provide slower burning (continued energy) for the day. Drinking plenty of filtered or distilled water keep the body hydrated, helps move toxins from the body and aids the kidneys.

3. Avoid energy-sapping foods — Food is certainly the main source of energy for us humans, but consuming the wrong types of food can drain and waste energy faster than we want it to. The basic idea is to avoid all foods that create an instant energy rush as a sudden energy crash is soon to follow. Such foods include caffeine, soda, coffee, chocolate, sugar, and simple carbohydrates like white bread, rice and potatoes. The energy derived from such foods is fast to come and go, and is harassing to the metabolism and wreaks havoc with ones energy. In short, they cause fatigue.

4. Exercise 30 minutes per day — While it may seem counterintuitive, exercising each day creates more energy in the body. It requires energy to exercise, and the result of exercise in increased energy. Exercise creates feelings of wellbeing because one is able to let off steam, get out anger, move the blood, sweat out toxins, and help the body release chemicals like endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. And mixing up the daily routine between running, walking, weight and aerobics keep things interesting and less boring.

5. Compartmentalize your time — One of the main reasons people feel overworked, stressed out and unhappy is because they do not prioritize their time. They often feel a greater obligation to their job than to their family, themselves, or to friends. And this is draining physically, spiritually, and emotionally and can lead to an unpleasant home life. The key to maintaining harmony and prevent burnout is to set time each day for work, family, social occasions and for your own quiet time. All of these areas need to be met to maintain a whole life that is full of love, happiness and energy.

6. Derail the burnout — There are times when taking time for yourself or leaving the office on time is not an option. In these cases when burnout and fatigue can just drain you dry, you must derail the freight train and create energizing blocks of minutes. A few suggestions include standing up and doing jumping jacks, walking a few laps a around the building or parking lot, talking to someone in the office or on the phone who makes you laugh, splashing cold water in the face and doing some deep breaths.

7. Break the stress each night — It is important not to allow stress to grip you firmly all day and night. This leads to too much tension in the body, which takes up energy. Engaging in deep breathing, taking yoga or Pilates, watching sports or listening to music you enjoy are easy things to do to relax and break the stress. Above all, it is important not to go to bed and then wake up stressed out, or you will have a very difficult time waking up and making it through the day.

8. Cut out the cancer — In this sense, "cancer" is any person, place or thing that is in your life that saps your energy and spirit. If you don't remove these things, then your energy will forever be drained each day. You know those friends or co-workers who expect too much from you and always ask too much of your time? Set clear boundaries and don't allow them instant access to you or your time. Does your email fill up too fast? There is no reason to read and answer every correspondence right away. Create email folders and prioritize which ones you read and respond to, and when. Don't allow work to interfere with personal time. Pay bills on time. Avoid unnecessary arguments. Let go of old grudges. All of these tips will cut out the old and free up stores of energy that have needlessly been wasted, making you tired and fatigued.

9. Set your sleep/wake cycle — The power of restorative rest and sleep is one of the most essential things one can do for rejuvenating the mind and body. Many people feel overly tired even at the start of each day because their sleep is not restful. They are work late into the evening, lie awake in bed worried and often awake after only a few hours of deep REM sleep. To be energized while also repairing your muscles and tissues setting a firm bedtime and wake-up time is essential. Sleeping from 10pm to 6am is said to be the best time for our body clocks.

10. Express love and gratitude — One of the easiest ways to free up energy and reduce stress and fatigue is to express your love and gratitude as often as possible. Each day you can tell those around you how grateful you are for their help, work, friendship, etc. You can tell your spouse or children or parents how much you love them. Acting with love and feeling grateful for even the smallest of things makes life worth living. And with purpose to each day, and gratitude for the work we do, it seems less a burden. When life burdens, and we thank it for the lessons or experience, we are less apt to become overwhelmed, cranky and resentful... and without these, we have more energy available for living life to its fullest.


"What to Do When Your Family Suffers
Because You Can't Sleep"
Have you ever yelled at your kids when you're bone tired? Brushed off your spouse because you couldn't keep your eyes open — only to be wide awake two hours later?

I know I have. And if you're like me, the last thing you want to do is hurt the ones you love just because you're tired.

With enough sleep you feel happier and more energetic. You truly enjoy your time with your family — and they enjoy you too.

But what do you do when deep, peaceful sleep seems impossible? Take all natural Sleepzyme™. It works for me. And listen to how it helped Margaret.

"I had to write to thank you for your wonderful product... for the first time in years, I can actually sleep. I wake up feeling better. And my family feels better too. I don't yell at the kids like I used to. This makes me and my husband happier. Thanks again!"
Margaret Lowen

You can be the person you want to be for your family — just like Margaret. Don't wait another minute to get the sleep you need to enjoy life. Click here now and find out how Sleepzyme™ can help you.


What is Sciatica?

Technically, sciatica is a symptom of a condition – not a condition in and of itself. The most common definition is “pain running down the back of the leg.” Because sciatica is only a symptom, you will need to seek a qualified health care professional to get properly diagnosed. Then you can begin treatment for that condition.
*Be sure to watch all the videos below, before moving on to another article.
Sciatica Quick Links:

What causes Sciatica?

To understand what causes sciatica, you must understand what it was that caused your condition to develop in the first place. For example, you may discover that you have sciatica because of a herniated disc. But in order to get relief, it is equally important to know why your disc became herniated.
This is something that most traditional treatments fail to address, which is why people can suffer for years on end without relief. The Muscle Balance Therapy™ approach considers the root cause of any of these conditions to be muscle imbalances. These muscle imbalances can have negative effects on your muscles, joint and posture, leading to something called “postural dysfunctions.”
There are four primary conditions that are responsible for sciatica nerve pain: Herniated DiscSpinal StenosisSpondylolisthesis, and Piriformis Syndrome.

What are the most common Sciatica Treatments?

Cortisone injections, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercises are common treatments for sciatica.

Why do traditional Sciatica Treatments fail?

Most traditional treatments fail because they simply address the symptoms and fail to address the cause of the condition. Your condition – which ever of the 4 it may be – is a physical problem, and it will require a physical solution. There are no pills or injections that can create balance in your body.

Which Sciatica Treatments work best?

The principles of Muscle Balance Therapy™ address the both the pain of sciatica and also the root cause of the condition that is responsible for your sciatica. Through strategic body assessments, your individual muscle imbalances can be identified, and a very targeted corrective program can be established for your specific needs.

50 Years of Back Pain Gone in Just Days!

Jerry Talisman had suffered from chronic back pain on and off for over 50 years. Like most people, he had tried it all… chiropractors, physical therapy, he even overdosed on tylenol but nothing gave him lasting relief until he discovered muscle balance therapy.
Unlike most treatments which only deliver temporary relief, if any at all, muscle balance therapy delivers lasting relief to 8 out of 10 people who use it because it addresses the underlying cause of the pain, not just the symptoms.
If you suffer from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica, I urge you to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment. Click here to learn more…
Still looking for more information:
- See more at: http://www.losethebackpain.com/conditions/sciatica/#sthash.LYl5LNYc.dpuf