Dream as big as you can dream, and anything is possible

Dream as big as you can dream, and anything is possible
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Saturday, 25 April 2015

You can’t do anything about the length of your life. But you can do something about its width and depth.

Here are a few tips to help you get the most life out of your life, health and peace of mind today:
1. Drink water and eat vegetables. 
Being a health nut won't add any more days to your calendar but eating well and drinking lots of water
 will make you feel a lot better and when you feel ALIVE, you can do a lot more living.

2. Breathe deeply and sweat at least once a day. 
Sweat flushes the bad stuff from your body. Deep breathing eliminates even more.

And since your body THRIVES on an oxygen-rich lifestyle, it's helpful to exercise, which helps oxygen get everywhere it needs to go. PLUS, sweaty exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy.

3. Get quiet.
Aside from the time we are sleeping there is almost ALWAYS sound around us.

We have the radio in our car, the TV, in our homes, our family, friends and colleagues talking to us throughout the day and our social media and email constantly vying for our attention.

Take time out each day to turn everything off and sit in silence.

4. Be your TRUE self. 

One of the biggest causes of unhappiness, stress and poor health is sacrificing our true selves and molding ourselves to the wants and desires of others.

Seek to live for YOURSELF and not for someone else.

5. Seek new experiences.
From eating new kinds of food, to going to the museum, to traveling to new lands, new experiences broaden your knowledge of this world and dramatically enrich your life.

Every new experience creates new neural pathways in your brain, keeping you sharp well into old age and boosting your creative potential, which adds even more to your quality of living.

You can't live forever but you can live more fully today.  

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