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Friday, 26 September 2014

What Stops Pain and Gets You Thinner and Healthier?

(The truth about hunger revealed)
Why a lone man – stranded at sea – creditsfish eyes for saving his life. Discover the health secret that ends hunger, makes you feel (and look) better, and keeps you sharp, trim, and fit well into old age.
I recently read a book that contains a solution for nearly every health problem you will ever face.
It’s not written by a doctor. It doesn’t talk about drugs, natural cures, or any other medicine. In fact, it is not even about health. It’s about survival.
The book is called Adrift: 76 Days Lost at Sea. It tells the story of Steven Callahan, who survived those 76 days lost alone at sea. You would find the whole book fascinating, but – from a health and longevity standpoint – there is one section you should pay close attention to.
It describes a rather gross transition in his diet. One day while gutting a fish he found himself ignoring the meaty flesh, and craving the eyes. Now you may think is a crazy side effect of being stuck out at sea too long. But eyes (and other organs like the liver) contain vitamins and minerals not found in fish meat.
Nutrients the human body needs to survive.
Hunger is NOT just about calories from fat, protein, and carbohydrates
This illustrates a little known fact about food cravings. Sometimes the “hunger” you feel in your gut isn’t for calories. But for specific nutrients you need to survive.
Do you remember the last time when you were thirsty? Your body didn’t want calories. It wanted water…H2O…just the two simple elements of hydrogen and oxygen. When you become dehydrated your body triggers the feeling of “thirst” (a type of hunger). This forces your mind and body to seek out water.
Your body needs a vast variety of elements, vitamins, and minerals just to survive. Failing to get enough – and in the right proportions (more on that below) – sets of a chain reaction. First, something feels off. If the deficiency persists some sort of disease sets in. Finally, you die.
Hidden signals your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs
All the while your body is trying to tell you something is wrong.
Just like your “low fuel warning” light on your dashboard comes on when you are running low on gas, your body sends you specific signals when you are running low on any of these nutrients.
A few examples:
·         Have you heard how eating a banana will get rid of muscle cramps? This is because bananas contain potassium. Potassium is an essential mineral that regulates nerve function and muscle control. But it also keeps your brain and heart working too. The cramped muscle is your body’s way of warning you to get more potassium BEFORE the low levels damage your brain or heart.
·         Ever had a chocolate craving? Chocolates contains magnesium, which is responsible for over 300 different chemical reactions in your body and low levels are linked to mental decline as you age.
·         And a sweet tooth may indicate deficiencies in phosphorus, chromium, and other minerals
I could go on for pages. But all you need to know is hunger isn’t always about calories. Sometimes it is your body’s way of telling you it needs a certain vitamin, mineral, or other nutrient.
And drugs can’t fix this. No one has ever had an aspirin deficiency, a statin deficiency, or an anti-depressant deficiency. Trying to treat a nutritional deficiency with a drug is like installing a bigger bumper on a car with no brakes. It may cushion the blow, but it won’t stop the accident from happening.
In this way, drugs completely miss the mark. They treat the aftermath (the symptoms), but usually do nothing to address the source of the problem…a nutritional deficiency.
How to tell if you aren’t getting enough minerals
Don’t worry if you r diet isn’t perfect. Your body has a backup source of vital minerals. Your bones are like a mineral battery. When you are young, and your body is efficient at absorbing nutrients, your bones soak up minerals and store them for future use.
Most people have heard the saying, “you need calcium for strong bones”. But the truth is your bones also contain 85% of the phosphorus in your body (plus other trace minerals).
But these minerals can get used up…
Do just this one simple thing and everything else will fall into place
Things go wrong if your diet is lacking in minerals as you age, or if you can’t absorb them like you used to. When this happens your body siphons these minerals out of your bones, causing osteoporosis (which literally means “porous bones”).
Most people hear osteoporosis and think calcium deficiency. But calcium gets the limelight only because it is the most abundant mineral in your bones. Any mineral deficiency can cause osteoporosis.
This is why it is so critical you not only get the minerals you need, but you also get them in the right proportions.
A serious indicator that you have a mineral deficiency is joint pain. That is because your bones and cartilage are made up of at least 12 minerals. And like I mentioned above, if you are not getting these minerals in your diet your bones weaken, your joints hurt, and you suffer.
The good news is that there is an easy fix. On the next page you’ll see how to get all of the vital minerals you need for optimum health, plus 3 new discoveries that halt inflammation…rebuild cartilage…restore joint mobility and get you pain free in 30 days or less.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Be Unstoppable In Your Business and Life

If someone told you to be unstoppable in your business and life, what would you say to them?  Would you tell them that you are living up to your potential and you are completely satisfied with both your business life and your personal life.  Maybe you would respond that you know you need to work harder but are pretty happy right now.  Some would respond by asking, “How can I be unstoppable in business and in life?”

The key to being unstoppable is to have momentum.  Momentum is defined as the quantity of motion of a moving object and the impetus gained by a moving object.  In other words, momentum is a state of movement.  Gaining momentum means that you are moving forward and gaining speed as you go.  So how do you create the lasting passion and fulfillment within your career and your life that will keep you moving forward – - the cycle of momentum.

The Cycle of Momentum

Below is the cycle of momentum as it relates to being unstoppable in your business and life.  Once you jump into this cycle, each element will feed into the next to give you motivation to keep moving and accomplishing your goals.

·         Potential – Potential is defined as the capacity to develop into something in the future.  Sometimes potential is referred to as unrealized ability.  You must first accept that within you is the potential to do anything that you desire provided that you are committed to doing whatever it takes to reach your goals.  Potential is also the basic belief that we have in our own abilities.  If you are having trouble believing in yourself, make a list your qualities including everything that you know how to do.  You may be surprised at how many talents you possess.

·         Goals – In order to start moving and keep moving, you must know where you are going.  Moving without any real direction is simply a waste of time and energy.  Therefore, set short-term and long-term goals for your business and personal life.  Having goals helps you remain focused and helps you establish a plan of action that will turn your visions into reality.

·         Action – Potential and goals are useless without action.  Action is the driving force behind momentum.  Having a sound business plan will net you nothing if you do not take actions to put that plan into motion.  As you take steps to reach each of your goals, you will gain momentum and find encouragement through each of your successes.

·         Results – As you continue on the path to reach your goals, each action you take will bring you one step closer to reaching your goals.  The positive results motivate you to continue moving toward the next step.  You feel inspired to use your potential to set new goals and then take action to see results.  The cycle will continue as you keep gaining momentum.

Becoming unstoppable in business and life begins with realizing your potential.  You have it within you to reach your goals but you must first accept that you have the potential.  Visualize what you want in business and in life and then set about creating a plan to turn those visions into reality.

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Saturday, 13 September 2014

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Friday, 5 September 2014